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제2차관, 제6차 여성과 함께하는 평화 국제회의 개회사(12.10)


H.E. Ms. Julie Bishop (줄리 비숍),

Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General

on Myanmar,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning.

I’m honored to welcome you to the Sixth International Conference on “Action with Women and Peace.”

I extend my deepest gratitude to all of you for joining us and I give special tribute to the courageous and remarkable women who have graced us with their presence.

You bring to mind all the brave women throughout history who have worked tirelessly to make this world better – the women peacebuilders, peacekeepers, human rights defenders, and humanitarian workers all around the world. 

Women like Hansa Mehta of India who, seventy-six years ago when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, made sure that the words “All men are born free and equal” were forever changed to “All human beings are born free and equal.”

Or, the women peace activists behind the seminal UN Security Council Resolution 1325, who nearly a quarter-century ago, broke down that barrier, and claimed their rightful seat at the table.

The last seventy-some years showed us that the things we take today have been anything but for granted. These were progress hard-fought for, and hard-won with nothing less than sheer grit and perseverance.

For peace and progress have never been straightforward journeys. These are stories of challenge and resilience, of steps forward and steps back, of growth and of growing pains, and of the human spirit that prevails along our messy and imperfect path. 

Today, as we reaffirm our commitment to the Women, Peace, and Security agenda, I firmly reaffirm this truth: that our journey is never going to be neat or easy, but that it is always worth pursuing.

As we mark the 25th anniversary of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda next year, we need your resilience and perseverance more than ever. 

And we must all come together to amplify your voice for peace as the world faces its most conflict-ridden year since the World War II.

Conflicts that deeply hurt women are everywhere, from Gaza to Ukraine to Myanmar.

Despite women’s critical roles in peacebuilding, the exclusion of women from peace processes also persists, with women making up only 9.5% of negotiators of peace and ceasefire agreements.

In places like Afghanistan and just up in North Korea, women are not just denied entry into peace processes but denied basic human dignity. 

As an elected member of the Security Council for the 2024-2025 term, the Republic of Korea will remain an unwavering advocate of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. 

We will continue to channel women’s perspectives and empower women's voice in the Council’s work, advocating for changes that enable more women to serve as negotiators, mediators, peacekeepers, peacebuilders, and humanitarian workers.

This annual conference and newly launched Action with Women and Peace Fund will mobilize networks and resources to protect women in conflict zones and promote their full participation in peace processes.

And in our shared journey of peace and growth, we will work with our partners – our neighbors, civil society, and international organizations – to find the strength to move forward, even when the road is difficult.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us not shy away from acknowledging the setbacks, for they are part of the story. 

Instead, let us commit to resilience. Let us celebrate not just the triumphs but the struggle it took to achieve them. 

As we embark on today’s discussions, I look forward to all of your wisdom to illuminate pathways for the next twenty-five years of Women, Peace and Security agenda. Thank you.  /END/

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